søndag 1. mars 2009

Day 29 - Walking around in Bogotá

Today we walked around the souvenir market in Bogotá together with another family who is staying in our hotel (Tommy and Anita from Halden and their four year old son from Bogotá). It is a very nice market, but we probably ought to have haggled more than we did!

Later we went to a park near our hotel with a playground,

together with the Dutch family we know from Cali. The park, which was surrounded by many good restaurants (we had lunch in one), was very clean and safe, with park guards patroling all the time. This is obviously a very nice neighbourhood. We missed that type of parks in Cali!

Looking thru the hotel's guest book, we found greetings from many, many Norwegian couples who have become families here at this hotel. Right now we are two Norwegian, three Swedish, and three Dutch families here. Most families stay here for six weeks or more, because adoption in Bogotá takes longer than in Cali. Some choose to spend two or three weeks on an island in the Caribbean, where (unlike here) it is warm and sunny, while they wait for the court's decision.

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